Beauty and Glamour Portraits
Beauty portraits are a unique way to treat yourself to a new, positive way of seeing yourself. Whether you are young or old, or just tired of the everyday mom rat race, beauty makeover photo sessions are a great way to remind yourself that you’ve still “got it”.
I help people see themselves as the best version of themselves on a very good day. You will look at your photos and say to yourself “hey! I recognize you! You are beautiful and special….where have you been hiding?”
Teens often need and want encouragement that they are indeed not an ugly duckling and that they are worthy in this world of competition.
What you get:
All of my clients will receive a beautiful printed guide to hair and makeup, prepared for you so we have a mutual understanding of the look you want and how I need to communicate with your hair and makeup artist. You also get an online Zoom consultation where we will talk about the look and feel you want in your images as well as to review and plan your wardrobe and answer any other questions you may have.
You get up to a 90 minute portrait session where we will guide you effortlessly into poses that make you look and feel great. We will coach you so you don’t have to wonder what to do. I’ll constantly give you feedback so you know how well you are doing. About a week after your session I will send you a slideshow where you’ll get to see your best images and then go into your gallery where you can choose your favorites.
A $100 retainer is required, which is applied as a credit to your account. You can purchase as many images as you wish. each image is $100 and comes as a 7x10 print and a digital file.
About a week after you choose you favorite images, they will be shipped to you for you to treasure the rest of your life.
Professional hair and makeup is required. You and I both want these images to be magical, and hair and makeup are a big part of that magic. I can recommend one to you or arrange one in your behalf. This cost is extra.
Note upon booking you will be asked a preference between having your session in downtown SLC or in Sandy. These are my most used studio locations but based upon availability, cannot guarantee a specific location. Outdoor locations are also a great option and I have plenty to recommend.
“It is my passion to create the best images you have ever seen of yourself”