A Basic Guide to a Great Headshot Photo Session

Professional headshots are the first introduction to you, your business and your personal brand.

Around 93% of HR professionals and recruiters turn to LinkedIn to find quality candidates, 2 in 3 turn to Facebook and more than half utilize Twitter. This just proves that a headshot plays an important role in your professional life. Your headshot should be a powerful, compelling and confidence-instilling image that makes prospective clients, employers and partners want to reach out and connect with you.

Headshot of a man.

Before you head to the studio for your professional headshot photo session, think about the things that you want others to see when they glance at your profile page.

Think about some of the characteristics that embody your personal brand. Are you a chef, an educator, a writer? Write down some keywords and phrases. If there are certain props that could help tell your story, bring them along to your session too.

We will usually take a few different shots using various outfits so that you have a good selection to choose from. If you’re going to be using your headshot on a specific social media platform, you might even want to tailor it to fit that site.

Headshot example of a woman smiling

It’s important that your look matches the image you’re trying to convey.  What you wear on a daily basis is a great place to start. Solid colors are always a good choice, as are tops with strong collars and necklines. We suggest that you wear clothing that compliments your skin and eye tones and it’s best to stay away from very bold colors too. Even though you’ll only be photographed from the shoulders up, it’s important for your entire outfit is professional as you may want a shot or two that is taken further away and incorporates more of your body.

Even though this is a more professional shoot, remember to have fun. A relaxed, comfortable subject naturally exudes confidence.

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