
Fall is one of my top 4 favorite seasons! I love fall. I love canning, camping, gathering with family, and getting ready for Christmas. I still have to get the garden tilled under and harvest the last tomatoes before a hard frost tonight. This fall is different…..I am a first time empty nester. I need to fill my time doing family and personal portraits or go stir crazy! There is a limit to how many times I can re-watch Doc Martin!

Cindy Manwill. Roses and Fall Colors in Millcreek Canyon.

Cindy Manwill. Roses and Fall Colors in Millcreek Canyon.

Autumn is such a beautiful time of year. Cooler temperatures means I can use the fireplace while I watch a soccer game. I am already thinking about our children’s portraits in the dining room. What theme do I want that they will love also? Hmmm. But changing them out for a fresh look would be fun.

The Jackson Family

The Jackson Family

The “Jackson Five”?

The “Jackson Five”?

For planning purposes you should plan your session to start no later than 6. 5 would be better. I do get up early on Saturdays to take portraits, so if you can muster the fortitude for an 8 am session, let’s do it!

I am happy to do a free consultation or send you my free guide to planning a successful family portrait. Click the button below.


A Brief Guide to Professional Photo Restrictions


Kendall ChristinFischer: Old Meeting House Sessions