Meet Aurora
I am not a dancer. Never was and never will be. I study dance technique as a photographer and I learn all I can, but I felt that I could serve my clients better if I hired a dancer and so I began a search. I have a board of select dance moms advising me also. And one of my dance moms pointed me to Aurora.
Some wonderful graffiti near Greek Town in down town Salt Lake City.
It is fun to watch Aurora work with these younger dancers, and to see the dancers respond and their dance poses look instantly better.
When I work with dancers I try to invite them to create and use their imagination or preferences with dance moves or poses. I always bring ideas to shoots and encourage dancers to do the same. I am a sucker for the dramatic and contrast is one of the dramatic tools I try to play up. I love the contrast between the reds and her dress, with the mural having a little orange and yellow to tie it all together.
When you don’t have a barre…
You make due with what the environment offers.
Near the “inter-modal transportation hub….photobombed by a bus!
I am looking forward to what Aurora can contribute to my dancers portfolio. I can’t wait for audition season. Please, come see how we can build your dance portfolio.
Aurora loved the partly detached shadow dancer.
I invite you to a free consultation to see if we can help you get the images you desire. My consultations are a joyful, low pressure exploration of your goals to see if we are a creative match and If I am the right photographer for you. There is no pressure because I only want clients who will find joy in working with me and who already love my work. If you would like more information….use the short for below and I’ll be in touch.